Elementary School Curriculum
Curriculum Overview
The PCA elementary school program blends technology and traditional classroom culture with a superior curriculum that inspires young students to think critically and solve problems. PCA’s learning environment is deliberately peaceful, loving, and kind. It promotes a joyful atmosphere where gifted teachers teach and inquisitive students learn. Because PCA students have an appetite for learning, ample opportunities for discovery and interaction are provided.

Bible courses combine Biblical values and principles with age-appropriate application. Memorization of key verses and study of Christian character traits have a high profile. Students are encouraged to develop a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as well as practically apply Biblical principles in their daily lives. Students join together and enjoy weekly chapel programs, class sponsorship of missionaries, and community service projects.
Biblical principles are naturally integrated into all subject areas which include reading, language, spelling, handwriting, mathematics, social studies, and science. In addition, specialty teachers present weekly classes in music, art, computer science, library, Spanish, and physical education. Featured yearly events like Math Olympics, Speech Meet, Science Fair, Invention and Creation Fair, Spelling Bee, Olympic Day, student concerts and musical presentations, curriculum-driven class trips, and our highly acclaimed International Month augment the academic program and enrich the presentation of a Christian worldview.